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Program Assistants (PAs)


At the Day Camp, registered girl scouts who have completed grades 7-12 can be a Program Assistant, or PA. The PAs are the heart and soul of our day camp. These young women commit to learning new skills, while perfecting others, and teach younger campers so they too can experience and learn new things. The PAs at camp really are the voice of the campers. We believe in Girl Planning, therefore the PAs have input into all aspects of Day Camp through training and meeting with coordinators and program area supervisors.

All PAs have the option of staying late or overnighting Monday and Tuesday Night. There will be dinner and planned activities until 8pm both nights.

PA Important Dates

PA Registration Ends
March 1st, 2024

PA Open House
March 14th

Job Assignments Due 

All PA Mandatory Meeting
April 7th, 2024 2-6 pm,
Location: Chinook Program Center


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